No Supers
A boxer faces the toughest match of his life all while harboring a massive secret that could change the match and his life.
Served as: 1st AD
Soda Pop Tastes Best in the Morning When You Have Nothing Else to Talk About
What should be a simple - but shady - job for Casper at a Tiki Bar, quickly goes awry.
Served as: 1st AD
The Legacy of Jimmie Herron
Docu-short that explores the varied career of the first African-American prop-master in Hollywood, as he discusses his career highs and lows.
Served as: 1st AD
There's a Man with a Knife
He's expecting his girlfriend to be there any minute, but someone else shows up instead.
Served as: 1st AD
The Way Things
Used 2 B
Spoiled college dropout Jenny, the former queen of her high school's social scene, is forced to get a job at her local country club where she's reunited with her old classmate Darren, the school outcast. Forced to work her new less than glamorous job, Jenny will now have to see how things aren't the way they used to be.
An almost 2 year labor of love, my partner on this project Kurstin Moser and I wanted to revive the romcom genre in style with an ode to the movies that shaped us.
Served as: Co-producer, co-director, co-writer
The House on
Blood Street
A young, intoxicated couple must fend off otherworldly threats in their new home over a game of ping pong.
Served as: Production Manager - coordinating and 1st AD duties
The Untitled Jesse Brooks Vanity Project
An improvisational mockumentary webs series that follows pretentious student filmmaker Jesse Brooks as he plans out his highly anticipated thesis film.
Served as: 1st AD
After receiving a call that her estranged, 90-year-old great-grandmother suffered a rare spinal stroke, Dani decides to act as her caretaker for the summer, discovering more about herself, her family, and forgiveness.
Served as: Producer, 1st AD